Integrated management of banded leaf and sheath blight incited by Rhizoctonia solani in barnyard millet Devi R. Sarada Jayalakshmi, Patro T.S.S.K.*, Palanna K.B., Ramesh G.V., Divya M., Mary D. Sabina, Praveen B., Rani Y. Sandhya Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Agricultural Research Station, Vizianagaram-535 001 *E-mail:
Online published on 10 September, 2024. Abstract Barnyard millet (Echinochloa species) is one of the promising small millet crops commonly cultivated in marginal lands. This crop is seriously succumbed by the attack of banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB) associated with Rhizoctonia solani. Hence, the present investigation was focused on integrated management by screening the resistant varieties and in vitro and in vivo evaluation of fungicides, bioagents and biorationals against R. solani. In candidate screening, out of 34 genotypes, four were found to be potential resistant donors in future resistance breeding whereas T4 (seed treatment and foliar spray of tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin @ 0.05%) proved to be the best control strategy under both in vitro and in vivo (Kharif and Rabi) conditions with highest disease inhibition, lowest AUDPC leading to maximum grain and fodder yield. While, T5 (combination of bioagents) noticed as the treatment with moderate control and better benefit- cost ratio. It is emphasized that a combination of tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin at 0.05% and bioagent consortia can be utilized with different modes of treatments and simultaneously exploiting the resistant donors for improved control of banded leaf and sheath blight. The findings of present investigation will be of prime use for devising more effective management strategies under varied environments in barnyard millet, thereby contributing to food security and high returns for the farmers. Top Keywords Rhizoctonia solani, Integrated disease management, Screening, Barnyard millet, Banded leaf and sheath blight. Top |